11-13 | 19 Jun 96 | 1600m | PAPAKAIO IMPROVERS | $4,000 | |
OAMU Soft | G IMP | Hdy,led 1050,btn 500,drifted | Dan Subramaniam | $0 | |
7-8 | 10 Jun 96 | 2000m | THE REGIONAL FORD 2000 | $4,000 | |
GORE Heavy | G IMP | Raced 4th or 5th,btn across top | Dan Subramaniam | $0 | |
7-9 | 31 May 96 | 1200m | W D McKENZIE MEMORIAL | $4,000 | |
OTAG Soft | G IMP | Mdfld,drifted across top,no chance | Dan Subramaniam | $0 | |
9-11 | 26 Nov 95 | 2050m | DOMINION BREWERIES MAIDEN | $4,000 | |
WAIR Good | MDN | Drifted,shared rear,no dash | Hayden Tinsley | $0 | |
4-13 | 9 Nov 95 | 2000m | GUTHRIE BOWRON MAIDEN | $4,000 | |
STRT Soft | MDN | Outside leader,battling at 250 | Jacqui Fillmore | $200 | |
4-5 | 2 Nov 95 | 1600m | LIFE MEMBERS MAIDEN | $4,000 | |
MTU Heavy | MDN | Run of race,came thru 250,plugged | Jacqui Fillmore | $200 | |
1-5 | 28 Sep 95 | 1400m | WINTER FAMILY BAKERY MAIDEN | $4,000 | |
MTU Heavy | MDN | Shared 2nd outer, 1.34.4 | David Walker | $2,600 | |
U-10 | 5 Sep 95 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
YPKU Soft | MDN | $0 | |||
2-7 | 24 Aug 95 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
WAVE Soft | MDN | $0 | |||