7-15 | 21 Apr 02 | 2175m | TONY WILSON LIVESTOCK INT 2175 | $9,000 | |
WAVE Good | INT | Ran 9th,just battled | Bruce Herd | $0 | |
6-10 | 30 Mar 02 | 2100m | HORSE AND HOUND CAFE & BAR 2100 | $7,000 | |
OTAK Good | INT | 7th outer,no dash | Matthew Cameron | $0 | |
11-13 | 23 Mar 02 | 2000m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$8,000 | |
MTU Soft | INT | Midfield outer,faded out | Lisa Allpress | $0 | |
6-13 | 7 Mar 02 | 2100m | MARTON HOTEL 2100 | $6,000 | |
MTU Good | INT | Ran 5th,no kick | Bruce Herd | $0 | |
7-15 | 10 Feb 02 | 2100m | PETER JONES ACCOUNTANT 2100 | $6,000 | |
EGMN Good | INT | Mid inner,no threat | Thomas Russell | $0 | |
12-17 | 26 Jan 02 | 2100m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$10,000 | |
WELL Good | INT | Chkd ely,rear,no danger | Darryl Bradley | $0 | |
16-18 | 19 Jan 02 | 2200m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$20,450 | |
WELL Good | INT SPEC | Led ely,trld 6th,dropped out | Bruce Herd | $0 | |
1-11 | 5 Jan 02 | 2000m | MORRIS & BAILEY MAIDEN STAYERS 2000 | $5,000 | |
WODV Good | MDN | Ran 6th,up turn,bold fin, 2.04.58 | Bruce Herd | $3,250 | |
4-8 | 26 Dec 01 | 1600m | SPEIGHTS MAIDEN | $5,000 | |
MTU Soft | MDN | 3rd or 4th,impr turn,btld away | Bruce Herd | $250 | |
3-15 | 1 Dec 01 | 1600m | PLACEMAKERS 1600 | $5,000 | |
WANG Soft | MDN | Ran 5th,4th tn,fght | Bruce Herd | $500 | |
U-9 | 18 Sep 01 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
WANG Good | MDN | Lisa Allpress | $0 | ||
7-12 | 20 Jan 01 | 2200m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$7,000 | |
WELL Good | MDN | 5th or 6th,mid top,btld | Bruce Herd | $0 | |
4-14 | 6 Jan 01 | 2000m | GOLDEN BAY CEMENT MDN 2000 | $6,000 | |
WODV Good | MDN | Good trail,no kick | Bruce Herd | $300 | |
6-11 | 26 Dec 00 | 2300m | SCHWEPPES 2300 | $7,500 | |
MTU Good | C1 | 3rd last,no threat | Lisa Allpress | $0 | |
5-16 | 2 Dec 00 | 2000m | NEW ZEALAND BLOODSTOCK 2000 | $5,000 | |
WANG Good | MDN | Bk of mid,btld clsr | Lisa Allpress | $125 | |
7-15 | 14 Nov 00 | 1600m | ASHFORD PARK EQUINE MILE | $4,500 | |
OTAK Good | MDN C,G&E | Bk of mid,no hope | Lisa Allpress | $0 | |
3-18 | 28 Oct 00 | 1600m | AWAPUNI MOTOR HOTEL MAIDEN | $6,000 | |
MTU Good | MDN | Ran 4th,up 200,game,Lamumba | Lisa Allpress | $600 | |
7-7 | 9 May 00 | 1400m | INTER-ISLAND HORSE TRANSPORT/FRIDAY FLASH MAIDEN | $4,500 | |
MLBH Soft | MDN | Drftd,tailed field | Lisa Allpress | $0 | |
2-8 | 18 Apr 00 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
WAVE Soft | MDN | Lisa Allpress | $0 | ||
U-7 | 15 Feb 00 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
FOXT Good | MDN | Lisa Allpress | $0 | ||