7-15 | 26 Mar 03 | 2100m | PUPIL 2100 | $5,500 | |
PAER Good | INT | Bk,pushed wide 1st tn,bk,ran on | Cameron Lammas | $0 | |
8-10 | 8 Mar 03 | 2100m | RED CREATIVE HIGHWEIGHT | $10,000 | |
AUCK Soft | INT & JMP HWT | Hdy wide,3rd otr 800,drifted near tn | Angela Magee | $0 | |
7-14 | 15 Feb 03 | 2000m | RICH HILL STUD HANDICAP | $11,000 | |
MATA Good | INT | Bk inr,impr wide top,bttld | Hayden Tinsley | $0 | |
9-18 | 25 Jan 03 | 2100m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$14,000 | |
WELL Good | INT | Hdy 4th,2nd 1400,there tn,wknd | Lance O'Sullivan | $0 | |
5-15 | 2 Jan 03 | 2100m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$27,500 | |
AUCK Good | INT | Set pace to turn,weakened | Leith Innes | $675 | |
3-9 | 28 Dec 02 | 2100m | DUNSTAN STAYERS' CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER | $10,000 | |
AUCK Good | INT | Back outer,ran on outer | Leith Innes | $1,000 | |
3-16 | 14 Dec 02 | 2000m Premier Meeting | ![]() |
$13,750 | |
WAIK Good | INT | Mid inr,chkd 300,fast fin inr | Leith Innes | $1,375 | |
2-16 | 24 Nov 02 | 2100m | DUNSTAN STAYERS CHAMPIONSHIP QUALIFIER | $6,000 | |
WAIK Good | INT | Back,impr tn,ranged up,strong fin. | Leith Innes | $1,200 | |
U-5 | 7 Nov 02 | 1600m | OPN Catchweight 1600 | $0 | |
MATA Soft | OPN | A MCGEE | $0 | ||
U-9 | 17 Oct 02 | 1200m | OPN Catchweight 1200 | $0 | |
TROA Soft | OPN | A MCGEE | $0 | ||
2-14 | 26 May 02 | 2000m | WAIKATO STUD "2000" | $5,500 | |
MATA Soft | INT | Disp pace or trld,led 200,outfin. | Lance O'Sullivan | $1,100 | |
3-12 | 11 May 02 | 1900m | RYDGES ROTORUA "1900" | $10,000 | |
ROTO Good | INT | Hdy otr,wide 600,fght well | Lance O'Sullivan | $1,000 | |
2-12 | 1 May 02 | 2100m | HILLS WELLER VALUERS "2100" | $5,500 | |
BOPL Soft | INT | 3rd or 4th to turn,chall hard | Lance O'Sullivan | $1,100 | |
2-12 | 10 Apr 02 | 2000m | BETTA ELECTRICAL "2000" | $5,500 | |
MATA Good | INT | 3rd outer,up tn,led,fght well | Michael Coleman | $1,100 | |
2-9 | 27 Mar 02 | 2100m | STEWART BROWNE ELECTRICAL 2100 | $5,500 | |
PAER Good | INT | Wide,soon led,outfinished last 50 | Michael Coleman | $1,100 | |
4-9 | 6 Mar 02 | 2650m | ANCHORMART OPEN | $7,000 | |
MATA Good | RST OPN | Trld 5th,bk 1400,solid fin. | Lisa Allpress | $350 | |
9-15 | 27 Feb 02 | 2100m | HEAT TREATMENTS 2100 | $6,000 | |
WAIK Good | INT | Hdy,6th 1200,disp ld 800,wknd | Cameron Lammas | $0 | |
6-14 | 6 Feb 02 | 2100m | ORIENT LINES 2100 | $10,000 | |
AUCK Good | INT | wide mid,closer 600,fght well | Gary Grylls | $0 | |
5-13 | 12 Jan 02 | 2000m | WESTFORCE/SUBURBS RFC 2000 | $7,000 | |
AVON Soft | INT | Back outer,made ground well | Cameron Lammas | $175 | |
1-11 | 27 Dec 01 | 2200m | THE CATERING CO "2200" | $5,000 | |
ROTO Soft | MDN | 6th or 7th,impr 800,chall tn,fght best, 2.24.23 | Lance O'Sullivan | $3,125 | |
2-5 | 12 Dec 01 | 1600m | WATERSONS FURNITURE & CARPET COURT "1600" | $5,000 | |
MATA Heavy | MDN CG&E | 3rd,up top,2nd tn,chall,led | Cameron Lammas | $1,000 | |
7-16 | 3 Nov 01 | 1600m | 89.8 ZM 1600 | $7,000 | |
WAIK Soft | MDN | Well back outer,ran on well | Peter Johnson | $0 | |
4-13 | 10 Oct 01 | 1200m | ANCHORMART TE AROHA "1200" | $5,000 | |
TROA Soft | MDN CG&E | Slow,back wide,game finish | Cameron Lammas | $250 | |
8-11 | 2 May 01 | 1600m | THOROUGHBRED NEWS "1600" | $5,000 | |
BOPL Soft | MDN | Back,impr 6th 1200,stpd | Opie Bosson | $0 | |
6-9 | 11 Apr 01 | 1400m | BARRY & HASTINGS PAPER PLUS "1400" | $5,000 | |
MATA Good | MDN 3YO | Dwelt,back,chkd 500,impr,btld on | Michael Coleman | $0 | |
6-9 | 21 Mar 01 | 1200m | MCSWEENEY & NEILL CHEMISTS "1200" | $5,000 | |
MATA Good | MDN | In last few to turn,made grnd | Leith Innes | $0 | |
1-7 | 17 Oct 00 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
MATA Soft | MDN | , 1.01.66 | Leith Innes | $0 | |
U-8 | 14 Sep 00 | 1000m | MDN Catchweight 1000 | $0 | |
TAUP Soft | MDN | Leith Innes | $0 | ||