Stud Book

Browsing history: No Excuse Needed (GB) 1998

No Excuse Needed (GB) 1998

Foaling date: 16/02/1998
Death: 25/09/2016
Family: 1
DNA Typed: Y
Microchip: None
Life no: None
Left shoulder: NIL
Right shoulder: NIL
Breeder: Gainsborough Stud Management Ltd
Absolutely Peaches (NZ) 2011 from Absolutelyfabulous (NZ) 2003
Aint No Lollygagga (NZ) 2008 from Soviet Princess (NZ) 2000
Aka Rocket (NZ) 2014 from Gatestopper (NZ) 1999
Allez Noir (NZ) 2005 from Allez Barsac (NZ) 1996
Anna Grace (NZ) 2015 from Sea Of Dreams (NZ) 2002
Artesia (NZ) 2005 from Vera Pro Gratis (NZ) 1998
Ask For Cash (NZ) 2015 from Rushanwin (NZ) 1999
Ason (NZ) 2007 from Abracadabra (NZ) 2000
Avow (NZ) 2010 from Mayday Jones (NZ) 2003
Bailar Riovida (NZ) 2008 from Cralheba (NZ) 1994
Ballsinyourcourt (NZ) 2007 from Racqueteer (NZ) 1999
Belle Vida (NZ) 2008 from Kainui Belle (NZ) 2000
Big Dreamer (NZ) 2011 from War Bride (NZ) 1998
Celestial Star (NZ) 2004 from Celebrity (NZ) 1991
Chevremont (NZ) 2008 from Figeac (NZ) 1998
Classic Ascent (NZ) 2004 from Classic Allure (AUS) 1992
Daffodil (NZ) 2005 from Spring (NZ) 1998
Diplomacy (NZ) 2007 from Gilded Saint (NZ) 1991
Divine Shiva (NZ) 2010 from Alpine Beauty (NZ) 1991
Ella's Excuse (NZ) 2014 from Eyesonella (NZ) 2006
Etoile D'or (NZ) 2013 from Etoile Centieme (NZ) 1997
Excuse Me Madam (NZ) 2006 from Rampage Queen (NZ) 1991
Excuse Moi (NZ) 2007 from Fairy Heights (NZ) 1991
Excuse O' (NZ) 2008 from Jackie O' (NZ) 1994
Flare (NZ) 2011 from Stepping Out (NZ) 2005
Forgive (NZ) 2005 from McSelby (NZ) 1992
Fru Ju (NZ) 2006 from Icelette (NZ) 1984
Good Sport (NZ) 2004 from Kirkberg (AUS) 1994
Grammar Girl (NZ) 2004 from Centolde (NZ) 1996
Hadassa (NZ) 2006 from Match Point (NZ) 1996
Happily Ever After (NZ) 2004 from Zephyr Magic (NZ) 1984
Hurricane Hannah (NZ) 2007 from Nazdarovia (NZ) 1996
I Do (NZ) 2007 from Freequence (NZ) 1999
Ididntdoit (NZ) 2005 from Rampage Queen (NZ) 1991
Jalor (NZ) 2005 from Chatto Creek (NZ) 2000
Just Be Cos (NZ) 2009 from Vanilla Sky (NZ) 1999
Just Diamonds (NZ) 2004 from Trinket Box (AUS) 1990
Just Eva (NZ) 2010 from Prodigal Lass (NZ) 1997
Lady Lagmhor (NZ) 2012 from Soneri (NZ) 1997
Lake Chalice (NZ) 2014 from La Madelina (USA) 2003
Lesley Brook (NZ) 2006 from Polka (NZ) 1999
Let's Go Shopping (NZ) 2004 from Tranquill (NZ) 1996
Letmego (NZ) 2011 from Embargo (NZ) 2003
Liberality (NZ) 2010 from Rationality (NZ) 1998
Little Excuse (NZ) 2004 from Critic (NZ) 1998
Lucky Excuse (NZ) 2007 from Ihi Frenzy (NZ) 1999
Madeleine Noblet (NZ) 2004 from Romanee Conti (NZ) 1988
Manolo Blahnicks (NZ) 2004 from Boat Race (USA) 1986
Marcelle (NZ) 2010 from Proustian (NZ) 2003
Maria Santos (NZ) 2010 from Carinda (NZ) 1996
Masquerade (NZ) 2006 from Disguised (NZ) 1999
Mercury Mistress (NZ) 2006 from Flytaine (NZ) 1996
Miss Italy (NZ) 2004 from Eileen Hardy (NZ) 1999
Miss Millbrook (NZ) 2005 from Arche (NZ) 2001
Miss Moore (NZ) 2008 from Love Me Not (NZ) 2003
Need An Excuse (NZ) 2007 from Habadance (NZ) 1995
No Apologies (NZ) 2006 from Mickelob (NZ) 1992
No Excuse Maggie (NZ) 2006 from Maggie O'Reilly (NZ) 1998
No Porsche Needed (NZ) 2004 from Porshe (NZ) 1996
Olden Days (NZ) 2012 from Aroon (NZ) 2001
Over Play (NZ) 2004 from Upstage (GB) 1998
Pardon Moi (NZ) 2010 from Madam Forli (NZ) 2003
Permesso (NZ) 2009 from Cymbidium (NZ) 1993
Phoebe Snow (NZ) 2011 from Freequence (NZ) 1999
Pipes Are Calling (NZ) 2004 from Zephyr Song (NZ) 2000
Posy (NZ) 2009 from Spring (NZ) 1998
Pretty Good Excuse (NZ) 2010 from Pretty Vegas (NZ) 2004
Prima Dolly (NZ) 2010 from Goodgollymissmolly (NZ) 2000
Queen Of Excuses (NZ) 2009 from Kailey Princess (AUS) 1992
Red Delicious (NZ) 2009 from Aroon (NZ) 2001
Rumours (NZ) 2004 from Classic Peerage (USA) 1997
Sashenka (NZ) 2007 from Russian Embassy (AUS) 1998
Sequent (NZ) 2004 from O'Sequita (NZ) 1998
Sharrhy (NZ) 2006 from Sahrhys (NZ) 1992
Shirley's Secret (NZ) 2010 from Miracle Miss (NZ) 2003
Spendaholic (NZ) 2011 from Sangiovese (NZ) 2006
Spirit (NZ) 2006 from Songlines (AUS) 1992
Spot On (NZ) 2004 from Recent Lady (NZ) 1992
Springwater (NZ) 2010 from Clear Blue (NZ) 2005
Stars Colliding (NZ) 2004 from Citilover (NZ) 1994
Suzie Bear (NZ) 2006 from Herron Bay (NZ) 1998
Tete A Tete (NZ) 2005 from Facing The Music (NZ) 1990
The Link (NZ) 2007 from Centaforce (NZ) 1999
The Mean Lady (NZ) 2007 from Cralheba (NZ) 1994
Three Wishes (NZ) 2007 from Polka (NZ) 1999
Under Pressure (NZ) 2009 from Buckling (AUS) 2001
Ventanas (NZ) 2006 from Twafeaj (USA) 1989
Veracious (NZ) 2010 from Vera Pro Gratis (NZ) 1998
Victoria's Reign (NZ) 2004 from Tisolde (NZ) 1987
Winehouse (NZ) 2013 from Singing Star (NZ) 1998
Zumba (NZ) 2007 from Nautical (NZ) 1997
Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
2003 69 60 0 3 1 0 5 0 92.31%
2004 72 50 5 2 1 1 13 0 80.88%
2005 81 54 7 1 1 0 17 1 78.21%
2006 115 74 15 2 0 4 20 0 81.65%
2007 79 58 7 2 0 1 11 0 85.53%
2008 79 54 6 2 2 0 15 0 80.00%
2009 87 66 8 1 3 1 8 0 90.24%
2010 32 19 7 0 1 0 5 0 83.87%
2011 40 31 3 1 2 0 3 0 91.89%
2012 63 37 6 1 3 2 14 0 75.44%
2013 39 23 7 1 0 0 8 0 78.95%
2014 35 10 9 1 2 1 12 0 61.29%
2015 4 2 0 0 0 0 2 0 50.00%
Total 795 538 80 17 16 10 133 1 82.29%

Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.