Stud Book

Browsing history: Street Cry (IRE) 1998

Street Cry (IRE) 1998

Foaling date: 11/03/1998
Death: -
Family: 1
DNA Typed: Y
Microchip: None
Life no: IRE10000429
Left shoulder: Unknown
Right shoulder: Unknown
Breeder: Unknown
Ambience (AUS) 2012 from Miss Right Note (IRE) 2002
Angel Dreamer (USA) 2005 from L'Extra Honor (USA) 1987
Blue Beat (AUS) 2004 from Ranein (AUS) 1990
Cry For Terre (AUS) 2012 from [aus] Terrestria (NZ) 2005
Dardania (AUS) 2013 from Liatris (AUS) 2004
Devil Child (AUS) 2005 from Carabine (AUS) 1998
Dire Streets (AUS) 2006 from Eurobound (USA) 2001
Don't Cry Wolf (AUS) 2013 from Valoura (AUS) 2006
Echoes (AUS) 2010 from Hallucinates (AUS) 2005
Fiendish (USA) 2014 from Evil (USA) 1998
Happy Street (AUS) 2014 from Husskila (NZ) 2006
Herberina (AUS) 2011 from Nicola Lass (AUS) 1995
Irish Jewel (NZ) 2007 from Lowan Behold (AUS) 2001
Jungletime (AUS) 2005 from Vextra (NZ) 1999
Lalla Rookh (AUS) 2007 from Grand Manners (AUS) 2001
Langara (AUS) 2010 from Theatre School (IRE) 2002
Lucky Street (NZ) 2006 from Kipstid (NZ) 2000
Mifflin (AUS) 2010 from Amish (AUS) 2000
Overstay (AUS) 2012 from Assertive Guest (AUS) 2002
Paris Match (AUS) 2010 from Fashions Afield (AUS) 2002
Peace Cry (AUS) 2013 from Keep The Peace (NZ) 2006
Phar Cry (NZ) 2006 from Chockaholic (NZ) 2000
Prose Poem (GB) 2013 from Latice (IRE) 2001
Queen Ouija (AUS) 2012 from Celtic Queen (IRE) 2001
Ringhals (AUS) 2011 from Black Mamba (NZ) 2003
So Wicked (NZ) 2014 from So Pristine (AUS) 2005
Solar Cry (AUS) 2013 from Solar Charged (AUS) 2007
Street 'Em Sheila (USA) 2004 from Super Sheila (AUS) 1990
Street Groove (AUS) 2011 from De Groove (AUS) 2004
Street Law (NZ) 2005 from Jade's Law (NZ) 1997
Street Siren (AUS) 2004 from D'Argent Encore (AUS) 2000
Summer School (IRE) 2010 from Measured Tempo (GB) 2004
Tasmanian (AUS) 2014 from Lady Lynette (AUS) 2004
Tears Of Joy (AUS) 2011 from Lucida (AUS) 1999
Teatro (NZ) 2014 from Jeanetta Cochrane (IRE) 1996
Trick (AUS) 2010 from Psyched (AUS) 2001
Foaling Date Colour Sex Horse Last Service Date Dam
Season Mares Covered Foals Living Foals Dead & Slipped Mares Exported No Returns Mares Dead Missed Mares Indeterminate Results Fertility %
2004 3 2 0 0 0 0 1 0 66.67%
2005 7 4 1 0 0 1 1 0 83.33%
2006 5 5 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00%
2009 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00%
2010 5 4 0 0 0 0 1 0 80.00%
2011 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 100.00%
2012 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 50.00%
2013 4 3 0 0 0 0 1 0 75.00%
Total 28 21 1 0 0 1 5 0 81.48%

Fertility Rate: This is worked out as the total number of foals (live, dead or slipped) as a percentage of total mares covered less exported, not returned, dead or indeterminate results.

Indeterminate Result: This exists where a mare is covered by more than one stallion and the result of these services is unable to be accurately credited to either of the respective stallions.