Stud Book

Browsing history: Purpose (NZ) 2008

Purpose (NZ) 2008

Foaling date: 21/10/2008
Death: -
Family: 5
DNA Typed: Y
Microchip: 985125000021390
Life no: NZ00269055
Left shoulder: S
Right shoulder: 69 OVER 8
Breeder: Windsor Park Stud Ltd
Sale Event Lot No. Press Buyer Sale Price Location Vendor Name
2016 National Weanling, Broodmare & Mixed Bloodstock Sale 345 Mr AB Tapper $ 3,250 Southland Bradbury Park
Season DOB Colour Sex Name Sire Breeder
201421/09/14bfillyChouxs WiselyJimmy ChouxNearco Stud Limited
201512/09/15chfillyUnnamedSuper Easy"
201611/09/16brcolt(euthanised)Redwood (GB)A B Tapper
201724/09/17grfillyDestiny's PurposeNatural Destiny (AUS)"
201818/09/18br or blkcoltRaceableNatural Destiny (AUS)"
2019---(not served)- 
202025/08/20bfillyTadmoreJon Snow"
2021---(missed)Jon Snow 
202205/11/22bcoltUnnamedJon Snow"
2023---(not served)- 
202415/09/24chfillyUnnamedEchoes Of Heaven (AUS)"
2025---Echoes Of Heaven (AUS)"